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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Trapped inside....

I'm trapped inside my love
I never will be freed
Of the pain I always have
Of this aching, biting need

It hurts because I miss you
And the pain will never cease
It'll never let me forget my love
Never give me peace

I can't change the way I feel
I'll live with it instead
I loved you then, I love you now
I'll love you when I'm dead

I cry and then I wonder
Why I can't have you
I forget how much you hurt me
I want the one I knew

Every time I see you
And look into your eyes
I see the one I'll always love
Hidden deep inside

This prison is my home
It's the only thing I see
It's trapped me here, there's no escape
And I can never leave.

in my dream..............

You told me in a dream you always loved me.
I wept with joy at what with joy you said.
My sadness was not there. It was so lovely.

And with you was my darling, so dear.
The sky was with an early sunrise burning,
Yet still with ample darkness for the moon,
Which held the secret of its youthful yearning
Although it knew that it would vanish soon.
How wonderful, I thought, at last to hear you
Say what I had known but never heard!
Abandoned, I have long longed to be near you
And find my long-lost refuge in a word.
I saw the truth of it within your eyes
And blessed the dream that ends but never dies.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bcoz 0f u.................

Because of you I laugh
Because of you I smile
Because of you I dont think twice
But it's all worth while.

Because of you I'm a better person
Than I was just yesterday
Because of you a cloudy sky
Seems like a sunny day

Because of you I finally know
What its like to be in love
Because of you from morning to night
You're all I'm thinking of

! can feel u...............

You're far away,
but, I can feel you.
You exist in my every breath,
in every beat of my heart,
adding a spectacular sizzle
in all the right places.
Even when I close my eyes,
I see your face and feel
the fire of your caress.
Your presence is a tangible thing...
yet as hard to grasp as the air.
I reach for you,
but you elude me.
Still, I can feel you;
the softness of a petal,
a warm wind on my cheek,
a ray in my vision,
a distant light that
ever draws me near.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey love !!!!!

Isn’t a lot already been written, said and read?
But my prose is yet to edify a path not tread.
My lyrics will unveil a tale unfold,
To reveal shades unseen and feelings untold.

Can you but conquer a language just by making a few words your own?
Or simply douse your hand to gauge the depth of the mighty ocean that the earths adorn…
Love is breathing life into gestured emotions that mere words fail to evince
Its Not bottling emotions within or giving the words a mince

Experiencing the joy of my Soulmate walking by
Even when the clock threats to run and minutes simply fly
Unearthing the latent virtues and those deep embryonic sighs.
Lifting our conjoined wings to reach enthralling highs.

Trying to Capture the tempest that jogs into a dervish whirl
Strings of my heart that I pull and hurl
Having found you my search ends but journey continues
A soulful lilt planted in my step as each moment renews…

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

! m in l0ve with u......

Something wild and free
Crazy and brand new
Spending time with friends
But at the same time being with you
We're the best of friends
But deeper in my eyes
Where ever your around
My heart no longer crys
Always being upset
Or forever in a fight
Thats not a relashionship
None of that is right
Everyday saying I'm sorry
For something I've said or done
All of a sudden it turned serious
I'm no longer having fun
But when I'm with you
Being with you
Just being by your side
I can let the tears fall
They no longer have to hide
Your suppose to be a friend
Some one I can turn too
Even though I'm wanting
To tell you I love you!

Still Miss you.....

At My Door The Leaves Are Falling

A Cold Wild Wind Will Come

Sweethearts Walk By Together

And I Still Miss Someone

Oh No I Never Got Over Those Brown Eyes

I See Them Every Where

I Miss Those Arms That Held Me

When All The Love Was There

I Go Out On A Party

To Look For A Darkened Corner

For I Still Miss Someone

Oh, No I Never Got Over Those

Browns Eyes.

I See Them Every Where

I Miss Those Arms That Held Me

When All The Love Was There

I Wonder If she's Sorry

For Leavin' What We'd Begun

There's Someone For Me Somewhere

And I Still Miss Someone

Just Wanted To Let You Know....

I Miss You....still

I Miss You